How DataMail Direct Marketing saves you money

Are you a business that makes direct contact with your customer? How do you maintain contact to ensure repeat business and to maintain customer retention? Many companies will market to their customer base with direct mailings and through emails or even social media.

Cost Saving Through Smart Marketing

direct marketing savings

Every business is different in the way that they maintain their customer relationships. Your company will fall into one of two camps; Doing things the way they've always been done or constantly testing to find the the method that provides the best financial returns.

If you are more like the former then you could use our experience in the direct mailing industry to help you reduce your costs.

How we save you money

There are a number of ways that we help customers. One way is to save mailing and processing costs. A recent example was for a relatively low volume business publication being sent out as a large letter. We were able to save them 47.6% on their mailing costs by mail sorting the data. This was a significant saving that we were pleased to be able to make for our customer and of course they were pleased about reducing their postage costs.

Good data means lower costs

Before you even start to think about the mailing itself, your address database should be verified and cleaned. At Datamail we receive data in different formats and different states of usability, one of the services we provide is to make sure that data is fit for purpose.

Around 6% of the addresses on your list will have become deceased or moved house in the course of a year. There's half a million PAF address changes annually. Unless you are actively updating your database it means that there are going to be a lot of wasted marketing material being sent out.

You can save on mailing costs if properly addressed

There are two ways you can save by making sure your address data is correct. The first is to make sure that you have no duplicate data, opted out customers are removed and where we manage returns making sure gone away, no such address, address inaccessible and so on are suppressed.

When the address data is correct your mailing can attract greater savings. It also cuts down on wasted mailing costs from incorrectly addressed mail that gets returned. We can correct addresses and postcodes in your database to increase your delivery rate saving on postage costs and the cost of wasted mail pieces.

Volume mailing attracts a larger discount

When companies do their own mailings inhouse they may tend to send it out in smaller more manageable quantities. Whilst this can make sense in terms of being a practical workload it will not be the most cost effective method. It will cost you less on postage if you send in quantities that attract postage discounts.

Why not ring DataMailDM and talk to Graham on 01733 56 56 08 to see how he can help you with your next marketing campaign.

Get in contact

DatamailDM Ltd
Unit 23
Maxwell Road

t: 01733 56 56 08
e: [email protected]


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Datamail DM

DataMailDM Limited is a company registered in England and Wales company number 06489217